About Micro-needling
Also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), micro-needling is the insertion of very fine, short needles into the skin, creating micro injuries for the purpose of rejuvenation. It involves using a device called a dermapen to make thousands of minuscule punctures in the outermost layers of the skin. These fine needles typically range between 0.5 and 2.5 mm in diameter. By injuring your skin in a safe, controlled manner, the body’s natural healing process is stimulated, and your skin produces new collagen and elastin, making your skin look younger. Micro-needling has been proven to show improvements in acne scars, stretch marks, large pores, freckles, and burns. It can also help to tighten skin, lighten pigmentation, and reduce scarring.
Am I a Candidate for Micro-needling?
Your doctor can help determine if micro-needling is right for you, but generally good candidates are:
• Healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing
• Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic goals in mind
• Individuals that are bothered by their acne scars, stretch marks or large pores
• Individuals that have fine lines and wrinkles
Each year thousands of individuals undergo successful micro-needling treatment, experience no major problems and are happy with the results. Significant complications from micro-needling treatment are extremely rare. However, make sure that you understand what treatment involves, including possible risks and follow-up care. Micro-needling treatment poses a few minor risks, including:
• Minimal pain
• Erythema (superficial reddening of the skin)
• Swelling
• Warm, tight or itchy skin
• Minor bleeding Like any major procedure, micro-needling poses a risk of bleeding and infection. It's also possible to have and allergic reaction to materials used during or after the procedure. You can help minimize these risks by following the advice and instructions of your doctor, both before and after your procedure. If you have any concerns about the risks involved, please consult your doctor.
Results and Recovery
It will take a few days for the reddening of the skin to diminish. Because of the duration of the body’s healing process, results and improvement can take several weeks to be seen but will continue to improve for four to six months following your treatments. The first thing people will notice is an improvement in skin turgor and elasticity. Collagen production can take up to three months to occur and can differ depending on the individual. There is no downtime associated with microneedling treatment. Ask your doctor for more information about your individual results and recovery.
How can Micro-needling and PRP be used together?
PRP is a natural product that is taken from your own blood. Your blood is taken and spun in a centrifuge, which enables the separation of red and white blood cells from plasma and platelets (clear fluid). This plasma now contains a higher than normal number of platelets and is called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). Platelets are the cells in the blood that help tissue to heal and grow new cells. PRP can serve as a beneficial adjunct to micro-needling, and it is becoming very popular to use these two treatments together. PRP can be directly injected into the skin following micro-needling treatment. The minuscule channels that the micro-needling creates allows for the PRP to reach even deeper parts of your skin.